
Showing posts from October, 2022

Postpartum Depression

  The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful moments in the life of a couple.  However, there are often unnoticed cases of depression that occur in parents (mostly mothers) post-birth.  This condition is often confused with baby blues and known as Postpartum Depression. Baby blues occur in mothers post-delivery due to the hormonal imbalance in their bodies.  Postpartum depression on the other hand is a more long term and serious condition. Sakra World Hospital is the  best psychiatric hospital in Bangalore . At Skara World, the Department of Psychiatry has a team of the best doctors who are trained and expertise from famous national and international universities.  Symptoms of Postpartum Depression Postpartum Depression ranges from mild to symptoms. The symptoms last from a few days to a week or two after the baby is born and are basically baby blues symptoms. Mood swings Anxiety Sadness Irritability Feeling overwhelmed Crying Trouble sleeping Reduced concentration Postpartum De

Pulmonary Hypertension- Symptoms and Causes

Pulmonary Hypertension- Symptoms and Causes What Is Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)? Pulmonary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that affects the arteries of the lungs and the right side of the heart. The blood vessels in the lungs are narrowed, blocked or destroyed. Who gets Pulmonary Hypertension? There are a few risk factors that can cause some people more likely to have pulmonary hypertension, but anyone can get it. It affects children and adults, men and women and people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. PH can occur on its own or in conjunction with other conditions such as heart disease, connective tissue disorders (scleroderma, lupus, and others), HIV, and COPD. What are the symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension? The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension develop slowly which is why it is difficult to notice them for months or even years. The symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, chest pain or pressure, swelling in ankles or feet, bluish colour to your l

Teething Syndrome: When Do Babies Start Teething

Teething is the process by which a baby's teeth erupt. We usually term it as a breakthrough. Teeth develop at the age between 6 to 24 months. The first set of primary teeth occur when the child is almost 3 years old. The first primary set of teeth includes 20 teeth. Teething is a tough phase, for both parents and the child. Taking care of your child’s oral health from infancy onward is the best way to maintain oral health for life!  While this phase of teething is difficult, it is not unmanageable. Wondering how you can help your child during the teeth process? There are ways you can use to help your child get more comfortable during the teething process. You can take care of this at home, but if there are signs that seem unusual, you must visit a paediatrician. Let’s understand the baby teething timeline -  Babies are born with all of their teeth beneath their gums. These teeth emerge from the gums in stages. Around 3 - 6 Months:  During this period, you may find the baby drooling

All You Need To Know About Wisdom Tooth Removal

  Are you advised for wisdom tooth removal? Worried about the procedure? We have you covered! The four wisdom teeth or the molars, located at the far end of the jaw are the last molars. These teeth generally appear between the ages of 17 - 25. Did you know - some people never develop wisdom teeth?  Wisdom teeth are not always problematic, for some, these molars erupt normally — just as their other molars did and cause no problems.  When they erupt without any problems, healthy wisdom teeth can be a valuable asset to your mouth.  But most of the time, the wisdom tooth appears to be either crooked or impacted or one lying perpendicular to the teeth roots. Sometimes, even if erupted properly, the cavity can form on the innermost side of the tooth.  If a wisdom tooth is impacted or in other words doesn't have room to grow - there will be pain and discomfort which will eventually result in the development of infection or other dental problems. In most of these cases, you will be advised