
Showing posts from August, 2022

Story of Natural Pregnancy

Natural pregnancy & delivery is a miracle of science. A fertility specialist, after understanding the delicate details of pregnancy, how it happens: always think that natural pregnancy is a wonder.  So let’s read the story of natural pregnancy, which includes the story of ovulation, fertilization, embryo formation and the process of implantation. Story of Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation The process of ovulation & egg formation starts when the female fetus is within her mother’s womb. That is the time when the lady has the maximum number of eggs. Those eggs which have the protective shield will move to be a mature egg. And those eggs without a protective shield will die. Later at the age of puberty when a girls starts menstruating ovulation starts. As known to everyone, it is not only a single egg that develops during the menstrual cycle. Hundreds of eggs, get into the race during the early phases of the menstrual cycle. How a fast runner reaches the goal first, likewise the egg

Suffering from Tooth Sensitivity? Here's- What You Need to Know.

Are you experiencing dental discomfort when sipping on hot or ice-cold beverages? Do you find yourself bleaching while brushing or flossing?  If you are, you are suffering from dentinal hypersensitivity or tooth sensitivity.  Tooth sensitivity is an extremely common dental problem that affects children as well as adults. However, most of those who suffer from dental hypersensitivity are in the age group of 20-50 years. Certain activities like brushing, eating, or drinking hot or cold foods can cause sharp pain in your teeth if you have sensitive dental problems.  This dental problem develops over time due to several reasons, with the most common being receding gums and enamel wear. Yes, sensitive teeth are generally the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots (i.e., when the inner part of the tooth called dentin, is exposed).  Thousands of microscopic tubules (small hollow tubes or canals) run through the dentine towards the centre of the tooth. When your dentin loses its en

Can Mouthwash Be Used As An Alternative To Brushing?

  It’s the weekend. You have enjoyed a lovely dinner with your friends and family. You are back home, all tired, and wanting to hit the bed. But you know the drill - you got to brush before you rush to sleep. Are you thinking of using the mouthwash instead?  Well, a lot of people like you consider mouthwash an alternative to brushing. Can mouthwash replace brushing?  Mouthwash can be termed as a perfume for bad breath. Antibacterial properties in mouthwash keep your breath fresh and prevent bacteria in your mouth. However, it not only helps combat bad breath but also rinsing using a mouthwash can help you avoid cavities and gum disease. Fluoride content in mouthwash can aid in the prevention of tooth decay too. Having said all the above, Mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing or flossing. A gargle of mouthwash cannot flush out food debris that is deep-stuck and neither can it remove the sticky plaque. But you can definitely add it to a good oral care regimen along with brushing and

Fixed Denture or Removable: What Should You Choose?

  When we have missing teeth, there is a need to replace them. Missing teeth will cause problems like difficulty in eating, speech, migration and rotation of adjacent teeth. It would also affect the chewing load on the remaining teeth as force distribution changes accordingly. Replacement of missing teeth with artificial teeth is commonly referred to as dentures, and it can be of two types; Fixed dentures and Removable Dentures.  What Is A Fixed Denture?  Dentures are artificial replacements of natural missing teeth to restore teeth' structure and function. The denture fixed by the dental professionals and which cannot be removed by us is called a Fixed denture or bridge.  When Should You Get A Fixed Denture?  To know the favourable conditions where you can get a fixed denture from the  best dentist in Bangalore , let's get aware of the factors considered by professionals, Less number of teeth are missing.  Presence of firm adjacent teeth.  Physically challenged people can find