
Showing posts from July, 2022

What are Flexible Dentures?

  Dentures are a prosthetic replacement of missing teeth. Dentures can be removed and used to replace missing teeth in our mouth. Dentures help in preserving the remaining firm teeth in place and maintain the face by preventing from sagging.  Although doctors play a major role in designing and making optimum prosthetic restoration, the selection of denture material is equally important. A lot of available options are out there when it comes to denture selection. It can be very tiring at times to choose one, so to you, this can act as a piece of information that nowadays more and more people are choosing the flexible kind. Let's get to know about the reasons to go for flexible Dentures.  What are the other types of dentures?  The types of dentures you can get in the  best dental hospital in Bangalore  depend on the type of material used in the fabrication of dentures. The efficiency of dentures depends very much on the material used to fabricate them. On one side when heavy metal de

Direct v/s Indirect Sinus Lift

  A sinus lift is one of the bone ridge-increasing procedures. It is to increase the amount of bone in the posterior jaw area. Ridge is the area where teeth are embedded in sockets.  There is a need for optimum ridge bone for a dental implant to be a success. Dental implants in the  top dental hospital in Bangalore  are used to replace both the form and function of missing teeth. It is a metal screw designed to thread into the jaw bone and allow for the attachment of various dental prosthetics.  What is a sinus lift?   A sinus lift is a procedure performed by the  best dental doctor in Bangalore  for ridge enhancement. It is used to treat the vertical loss of bone height and width of the available bone. Lack of sufficient bone height and maxillary sinus poses significant difficulty placing implants in the upper back region with missing teeth in the oral cavity.  Why are sinus lifts performed?  After upper jaw posterior tooth extraction, the initial decrease in alveolar width is caused

Monkeypox: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Monkeypox is considered a rare medical phenomenon that is caused by the monkeypox virus. The virus comes from the same family of viruses, namely the Variola virus which is also responsible for causing smallpox. Because of the familiarity between the viruses, the symptoms of monkeypox are almost similar to smallpox. Moreover, because of the milder effects of the virus, monkeypox is not deadly. Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when a pox-like disease occurred in the lab between the colonies of monkeys used for research purposes. Although, this occurrence influenced the terminology “Monkeypox”, the source of the disease is still unknown.  The first-ever human case of monkeypox occurred in 1970. Before the 2022 outbreak that took place globally, monkeypox cases were primarily noticed in several central and western African countries. The reason behind the global outbreak is the internationally interlinked travel between countries. CAUSE The cause behind monkeypox in animals and humans

Insomnia Can Cause Heart Attacks in Teens

  Sleep is food for the brain. However, one-third of us suffer from poor sleep. Sleep relaxes our body, gives our brain a break, and calms the heart, allowing it to work at a lower rate and enables our blood pressure to drop to lower levels. Regular poor sleep puts people at risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it shortens life expectancy. If you have any problems related to Insomnia, then get the  best insomnia treatment in Bangalore  at Sakra World Hospital. Causes With access to the internet and bad eating habits, sleeplessness can affect anyone. Teenagers are caught in between long school days, late nights on the computers,  playing video games, piling up homework and projects, etc. They ignore sleep. Women are at higher risk of developing insomnia than men because of differences in genetics, sex hormones, stress, and reaction to stress. The most important health condition causing poor sleep is  sleep apnea  which might be ignored or le

Effects of Diabetes on Dental Health

Worldwide lack of awareness especially in developing countries like India is causing more oral complications in patients with diabetes. However, it is not certain for oral complications to appear in the oral cavity from the onset of diabetes. According to various studies, it has been observed that people with poor oral hygiene and also people with diabetes with poor glycemic control are at higher risk of developing oral complications during diabetes. A positive correlation is seen between diabetes and various inflammatory diseases and soft tissue pathology in the oral cavity. There is also evidence of aggravating pre-existing periodontal problems like periodontitis in dental patients who develop diabetes because of chronic inflammatory reactions caused by bacteria and delayed wound healing. Therefore one should always pay particular attention to their oral health and hygiene along with keeping their glycemic level under control. One should make the habit to visit their regular dentist