
Showing posts from June, 2022

Aphthous Ulcers- Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Aphthous Ulcers (also known as aphthous stomatitis, canker sores), are a common and painful problem and can make eating and talking difficult. . An aphthous ulcer is an ulcer that forms on the mucous membranes (on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums) -- like on the inside of the lips and cheeks or below the tongue.  Aphthous Ulcers are benign in nature, non-contagious and can occur as single ulcers or in clusters. Recurrent aphthous ulcers do not create much of a concern and go away on their own in a week or two, but at times, they could be associated with significant health problems. Aphthous ulcers that occur in conjunction with symptoms of genital ulcerations, uveitis, arthritis, conjunctivitis, fever should be brought to your doctor’s attention at the earliest as this will prompt a search for any cause or origin of this condition.  What causes an Aphthous ulcer? The exact reason why aphthous ulcer develops is not yet known. What most researchers and practitio

Simple Steps to Take Care of Children From Gadget Use

12 years old child seen with grandmother in OPD with the complaints of excessive use of the gadget, i.e., mobile phone which she is finding very difficult to restrain him from using. Another parent brought the child complaining that he sees inappropriate content in online by which he is misbehaving in school and they hear complaints from the school as well. And many parents say that it’s difficult to control the behavior of getting upset easily, throwing tantrums when they can’t get the gadget to play or not able to being in online. Parents could easily notice these behaviors disappears when they get online they become calmer. A three-year-old child has brought to Opd with delayed speech and language but she was excellent in using mobile phone says, father. A teenage boy is more comfortable in his online world, and he would feel anxious, irritated when being in a social group. When encountering with a social situation he would fidget and leaves the situation, and he feels better when o

What Is Pyorrhea and How Can It Be Treated?

The term pyorrhea comes from the Greek words Discharge of Pus. Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is a multifactorial disease that directly affects oral gums and the bone. Yes, Pyorrhea affects the periodontium, that is, the organ that holds up the teeth and is made up of gingiva, bone, and ligament. Pyorrhea is bacterial in nature and is the result of advanced or untreated   gingivitis . Types of Pyorrhea These are some of the most common types of Pyorrhea: Chronic Pyorrhea : This is the most common type of pyorrhea. It is caused by gradual plaque buildup, which then causes gum recession and bone deterioration. This can get worse or improve based on how soon it has been treated. This type of Pyorrhea is known to mostly affect adults, but in no way does it mean that children are immune to it. Children too can be prone to Chronic Pyorrhea if dental hygiene is neglected.  Aggressive Pyorrhea : It is a hereditary type of Pyorrhea. And since it's hereditary, you would need your fam